Five Major Drivers Of Globalization

Discuss the five major kinds of drivers of globalization as it applies for your chosen company. Discuss the five major kinds of drivers of globalization as it applies for your chosen company. For this assignment, you will analyze one international company of your choice (Wal-Mart).
The key factors seem to underlie the trend towards the increasing globalization of markets and production are the decline of barriers to trade and investment and the role of technological changes. Decline of Barriers to Trade and Investment Decline in Trade Barriers Many of the took the form of high tariffs on imports of manufactured goods. However, this depressed world demand and contributed to the great depression of the 1930’s. After World War II, the industrialized countries of the West started a process of removing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital between nations. Under GATT, over 140 nations negotiated even further to decrease tariffs and made significant progress on a number of non-tariff issues (e.g. Intellectual property, trade in services).
Five Major Kinds Of Drivers Of Globalization

Main Drivers Of Globalization

The most recent round of negotiations known as Uruguay round was competed in December 1993. The Uruguay round further, covering services as well as manufactured goods provided enhanced protection for patents, trade marks and copyrights and established WTO to police the international trading system. With the establishment of the WTO, a mechanism now exists for dispute resolution and the enforcement of trade laws.