108 Names Of Sai Baba Pdf
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Sai Ashtothram ( Namalu) 1 OM Shri Sai Nathaaya Namaha 2 OM Shri Sai Lakshmi Naarayanaya Namaha 3 OM Shri Sai KrishnaRaamaShiva. 2 May Shri Shirdi Sai Baba – Names: 19 to 24 – Meaning: I bow to Shri Sai who has the power to protect His devotees. Interpretation: Shri Sai’s. 9 Jun Shri Shirdi Sai Baba – Names: 30 to 34 – Meaning: I bow to Shri Sai who is the beloved of His devotees Interpretation: Shirdi Sai Baba is the. Author: Kalar Garamar Country: Brunei Darussalam Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Environment Published (Last): 9 December 2018 Pages: 320 PDF File Size: 19.80 Mb ePub File Size: 1.20 Mb ISBN: 326-4-52714-368-9 Downloads: 55074 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: Baba I really need u at this difficult time. Dear Sai Readers, with every post a wallpaper in downloadable format are posted which are contributed by Sai devotees like us. Sign In to earn Badges.

Paths are different but goal is one. Shri Shirdi Sai Baba – Names: 30 to 34 Numerology – Number 9. Shirdi Sai Leela – Guru’s photo.
108 Names Of Sai Baba

He is familiar with the devotee’s past, thought and speech. I bow to Shri Sai who grants health and welfare to His devotees Interpretation: Shirdi Sai Baba’s Assurances. I am childish and love to be like that only whatever may come. He is all powerful, all pervading – the Supreme Lord. Shirdi saibaba Astothram mantra I bow to Shri Sai who is eternally blissful Interpretation: Anonymous August 29, at Thats when i realized the power of this astothram. U for always being im us and helping me us in all difficult times. His is a unique phenomenon on the horizon of spirituality.